Capacity DevelopmentGlen Barnes2018-07-20T13:26:06+02:00
SAAIR is involved in a number of projects/initiatives to promote capacity development in the Higher Education sector in Southern Africa. Some recent projects and contributions are listed here.
Institutional Research in South African Higher Education: Intersecting Contexts and Practices
The book provides a thorough overview of Institutional Research (IR)–ie applied higher education research undertaken within universities–in South Africa. It is a collection of essays focusing on the character and institutional setting of IR; how IR is embedded into the mechanisms of steering, shaping and reforming higher education; and what the major results were of IR in select thematic areas. The book is a valuable resource for higher education researchers and social researchers in South Africa interested in higher education.
Building Capacity in Institutional Research and Decision Support in Higher Education
This book examines the relevant roles, skills and knowledge needed to build the institutional research capacity across the higher education sector globally. The information contained herein will inform IR practitioners, senior level institution officials, and higher education scholars. With a focus on building the capacity of the IR profession, this book’s primary audiences include senior leaders who wish to introduce or strengthen their understanding for effective decision support and staff capacity building.
The scope, synergy and uptake of research into higher education in Southern Africa
Project time line: 2017 to 2019 – This project is designed to contribute to the field of higher education studies that feeds into effective and efficient management of higher education in South African and other African countries. This project, implemented jointly with the Southern African Association for Institutional Research (SAAIR), will investigate three key issues:
- The scope and characteristics of research into higher education in South Africa and other southern African countries (for example trends in research outputs; prominent themes, methodologies and research designs; demographic and other information about productive scholars; prominent scholarly outlets, etc.)? The challenge is to map the results of a bibliometric study of scholarly research outputs in the field of higher education, as well as grey literature within the repositories of universities, into a comprehensive whole?
- The need for improved communication and coordination between researchers working on higher education topics across Africa.
- Understanding uptake of higher education research by decision makers within universities and policy makers at the national level.