Southern African Association for Institutional Research|
/2023 30th SAAIR Conference
2023 30th SAAIR Conference2024-03-07T10:58:07+02:00

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The 30th SAAIR Conference will be hosted by 

Stellenbosch University

24 – 26 October 2023


Future-forward Higher Education : The next 30 years

Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West​​​, Western Cape

pre-conference workshop on 23 October 2023​​​​

Conference Programme and Presentations

For any queries related to the conference, you can contact

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​Organised by the 2023 SAAIR Executive committee

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From left to right: Ms Elizabeth Booi (University of the Western Cape), ​ Ms Takalani Muloiwa-Klenam (University of Johannesburg),  Dr Mxolisi Masango (University of Pretoria), Mr Benjamin Ntshabele (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University), Ms Liile Lerato Lekena, President (Mangosuthu University of Technology), Mr Ashton Maherry (Saide), ​​Ms Renè Robbertze (University of Stellenbosch), Ms Carin Strydom (SAAIR Office), ​Ms Lisa Cloete (University of Cape Town)​​​

Conference chairs: René Robbertze and Prof Ian Cloete (Stellenbosch University)

Conference management committee: Prof Ian Cloete, René Robbertze and Albè van Niekerk (Stellenbosch University)​

Keynote speaker​​s​​​​


One of our keynote speakers at the conference is Prof. Karen Webber from University of Georgia and currently president of AIR (2022-2023).

Karen has published research on a number of issues related to institutional effectiveness in higher education including faculty roles and work productivity, graduate education, gender equity in higher education, undergraduate research, and capacity building in institutional research.

Her primary research interests remain centered on the assessment of academic, cognitive, and psychosocial growth of college students, with additional interests in gender studies, and higher education data management. – Source


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​Another keynote speaker at the conference is Prof. Ian Cloete from Stellenbosch University, former Senior Director: Information Governance (now retired, but still affiliated with Stellenbosch University).

Ian published extensively in the areas of machine learning and neural networks, with applications to data and a​​nalytics. He led the development of novel analytic models for effectiveness and efficiency, which also include a score card for Stellenbosch University’s Strategic Framework 2019—2024. ​He has led the design of frameworks for the implementation of legislation (e.g. POPIA), policies and regulations relating to privacy, information management, information security, data classification, and more. He is a Senior Life Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

He also led the accreditation, quality assurance and educational reforms of the Bologna process in Europe as president of a private university in Germany, where he served as Professor of Computational Intelligence. There he designed novel curricula and teaching methodologies, which he presented regularly as invited keynote speaker at the Future of Europe Summit series of conferences hosted by the government of Andorra.


​For any enquiries please contact Albe van Niekerk at​

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